Good Brewing

Good Brewing

  Phone: +14257701757

  Address:18204 BOTHELL EVERETT HWY C Bothell, Washington - 98012, United States



Yes, that's me standing between my fermenters. This is my nano brewery. Humble beginnings with big aspirations, is what I tell people. It all started with my wonderful wife, Shalliah, and yes, it is all her fault! She bought me a brew your own beer kit for Christmas. One of those that comes in a small box. It was all syrup and yeast. Well, it turned out horrible, as my good buddy Tim would attest. Knowing me, I had to make a good beer and had to be from scratch. Ambition drove me to learn and explore the world of Craft Beer. From reading literally hundreds of books and watching countless hours of videos, I became driven to brew the best ales and lagers. It wasn't all easy... the cost of it and with all the bad batches that went down the drain didn't help me feel like I was accomplishing anything. Well 2 years later, in 2017, we opened with a small 1bbl Nano-brewery seeking to make my dent with my premium ales and lagers. It is now the end of 2019 are thrilled with the support of the community, friends and family. We now have a 3bbl (201) brewhouse with 5bbl fermenters and a full restaurant with 20 beer taps. With excitement on the horizon, big plans are in store for 2020 with a brand-new taproom opening in the heart of the Hollywood School House District in Woodinville.

The Good Brewing Company is focused on building beer from scratch. Using purified water and re-mineralizing it for each beer style, buying local premium grain from Skagit Valley Malting and Organic Yeast from Imperial Yeast in Oregon is helping us to make unique and well crafted beer.

I have always have been a huge community supporter. My Goal is to bring a brewery that is focused around supporting the needs of the community. One day our goal is to open a full Brewpub and production brewery in support of my community, whether that is providing space for non-profits or community events free of charge. Hosting fundraisers, or giving a portion of our revenue to support a community cause that is in need of help. We are The Good Brewing Company. Come be part of our brewing family! See you soon! In 2018 we accomplished this goal with opening of our Brewpub location in North Woodinville, with hopes to grow our production side. Now in 2021 we operate a 5bbl system sustaining our current taproom.

Well, its now 2021 and we have survived and thrived. We are thankful for the community support we received during the pandemic and we are thriving. Our outdoor space at Hollywood allowed us to serve our community. In 2019 we were ranked 3rd best brewery in WA state by Popular vote by Evening Magazine, Thank You! With the growth between 2019 and 2020 we have purchased a 20bbl Production brewery system. Our growth is due to the tremendous support from our community. Thank you and continue to support local.

In 2021 we began the process of opening our coffee lounge in our Hollywood Taproom and we successfully opened at the end of May.  We  are excited to offer fair-trade organic coffee freshly roasted. Our coffee lounge offers something Woodinville is lacking, a place to relax and feel at home during the morning, either work, play or chill. We are here for you. Also, check out our side project, Ales and Tails, our indoor Dog Park taproom. Supporting our community any way we can.

At Good Brewing, we are pleased to offer more than just products, but a community. 

Kevin King