2024 Speaker Questionnaire

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2024 Mill Creek Chamber Speaker Questionnaire

Standard Lunch & Learn Topics(Required)
The examples provided are the standard topics Chambers often fall back onto. Do you have any interest in these subjects? (Please select all that apply)
What subjects matter most to you that you don’t see here, but would love to learn about? Please list up to 4 topics not listed above that you are most interested in learning about at one of our Lunch & Learn Meetings
You’ve chosen some ideas listed previously, and hopefully provided new subjects too; Now, are you the person who can deliver any of those subjects (and you want to!?) or, can you recommend a current Chamber member as a nomination to be approached about presenting on a topic?
You read that right. “When” addresseses the timeliness of certain topics. This may also inspire you to remember “wanting to hear” (or deliver) a topic in front of the Chamber that’s directly related toward a time of year. Shop Small Business pushes, Holiday planning, Quarter-end topics, Monday management, (365 days a year!) etc.
Your Name(Required)